Committed to the Development
of Young Athletes Who Strive to
Compete at the Next Level
The mission of Skyline Juniors is to be one of the highest quality clubs in the nation that will go the extra mile to develop and showcase our athletes. We will constantly strive to enable both our players and our coaches to reach their full potential.
Skyline Organizational Values
- Strive to make decisions based on what is best for the athletes
- Train athletes to excel at higher levels of competition
- Integrate coaching strategies and techniques at each age level so players can take what they have learned and apply it throughout their volleyball careers
- Sustain a coaching philosophy throughout the club based on positive reinforcement, encouragement, and motivation
- Provide year-round training programs
- Number of teams will not exceed number of quality coaches available
- Advise and mentor our athletes in order to timely and effectively market them to college volleyball programs
Team Dues/Fees:
Skyline Juniors Volleyball Association (SJVA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and training of junior athletes. We seek to compete on a national level, and to do so, we will go the extra mile to develop and showcase our athletes. We will constantly strive to enable both our players and our coaches to reach their full potential. We will select our coaches based on their coaching experience, temperament, dedication, and desire to train athletes to be the best they can be.
Club Coaching Philosophy
Skyline Juniors was established in 1999 and we are still determined to lead the USA in volleyball. Many of our staff members have collegiate coaching experience and over half of our coaches have collegiate playing experience. Each National and Molten team will have a head coach and an assistant coach plus each will share experienced roamer coaches. Local teams will have a head coach only.
Coaches are selected based on their playing experience, knowledge of the game, coaching capability, enthusiasm, and temperament, and have passed an extensive background screening. One main quality that we look for in our coaches is a belief in coaching by encouragement rather than intimidation. We believe the success of our club is only as good as the development of our coaches. All of our coaches are IMPACT certified, and many have CAP certifications. All coaches regularly participate in on-the-court training during clinics, camps, and other coaches’ training events.
Expectations of Coaches
Each coach’s main objective is to provide our athletes with as much quality individual and team training as possible in a positive and encouraging learning environment. They are required to plan and organize their team’s individual practice sessions, administer instruction at tournaments, and develop the composition and organization of the team. Our coaches strive to be to be excellent role models for the players and all others with whom they may come into contact. The staff of Skyline Juniors will provide all the administration for tournaments, travel, and finances within the club so our coaches can concentrate on coaching and their own professional growth.
Club Amenities
Skyline Juniors volleyball is a major investment in your child’s life. Perhaps the most satisfying is to see your child play for the college or university of their choice. No junior’s club program is complete without informing both players and parents about the important topic of scholarships and college recruiting.
College Recruiting Experience
Our coaching staff has extensive experience with college recruiting at every level of college athletics, from NCAA Division I, II, and III and NAIA to Junior College, and our coaches that have worked at the college level have been active recruiters themselves. As a result, we not only know effective ways to market Skyline athletes and the pitfalls players and parents should avoid, but we’ve also developed an extensive network of relationships with top college coaches in the country.
Recruiting Workshops
Skyline offers Recruiting Workshops for both players and parents that cover the “do’s” and “don’ts” of timely and effective communication with colleges and universities. Topics covered include different ways parents may videotape matches and how to construct recruiting video. We set aside time to video athletes’ skills and design proper introductions for these tapes, and provide examples of various ways athletes can set up their profiles to make them appealing to college coaches. We recommend the recruiting workshop for all Skyline athletes regardless of the sport they may pursue in college. In addition to the workshops, our recruiting coordinator holds individual and group meetings throughout the season for further help and instruction.
Online Recruiting Database
Skyline has one-of-a-kind recruiting database. The database is organized to collect important information about each athlete and may be used as each athlete’s ’online Contact Management Software for college coaches. Included behind the athletes’ personal login are recruiting timelines, college comparison spreadsheets, articles on “Visits to Colleges,” templates for letters to college coaches, sample emails to colleges, and a comprehensive college search engine. Our program also allows our coaches and staff to download each athlete’s information court-side from their PDA. These features and the database constitute an exceptionally powerful recruiting program that is unique to Skyline. No other club can boast comparable programs.
Online Videos & Media Pages
On every athlete’s profile page, we have room up to three videos you may link from your profile page. In addition, you can include PDF or other file formats to provide college coaches additional information like newspaper articles. Our emails that we send out to college coaches will include these links in the email so they can easily click on the video of their choice.
Online Profile Pages
Each year, Skyline develops on-line media guides for the 16’s, 17’s, and 18’s age groups containing information about each player such as awards, accomplishments, playing experience, vertical jump, a personal section, and the athlete’s plans for her athletic career. The profile page from the Media guide will be posted on our website enabling each player to send it to the college coaches of their choice via email or by letter.
Year-Round Training
When the club season is over, Skyline is in the gym 4-5 days a week offering the top training. So much improvement takes place in the five months between club seasons. It is vital to the athlete’s development to be in an organization that offers year-round training.
Team Bonding and Training
In order to facilitate team cohesion and purpose, Skyline coaches organize specialized team bonding activities in early January. This training will consist of 2-a-day training sessions and team bonding activities. The teams will be given difficult tasks and will be required to find solutions as a team. They will also set individual and team goals for the season. The 2-a-day training will be for RoShamBo teams only.
Dedicated Setter Training
Additional time and space is set aside for setters to get extra reps and instructions. We will lead video review and class room instruction for our setters to better their decision making and mental aspects of setting the game.
Strength, Conditioning and Vertical Training
Skyline Performance Training provides training for U13-U18 Skyline Royal, Black, White, & Silver teams 2 times a week beginning in December
Evaluation Process
Click here to view the Tryout/Evaluation Process
The Tryout or Evaluation period is EARLY MAY. NEW for 2024, Clubs and Coaches ARE allowed to make verbal offers after Regional Championships. See our “Club Tryout Process” page for more information on Tryout, Evaluations, Signing Day and more.
Practice Information 
Our teams will share the facilities and practice times to allow for an average of 2 practices a week. Attendance at practice is mandatory. It is impossible to develop quality teams with inconsistent practice attendance. If an unusual circumstance exists, it is the athlete’s responsibility to inform his or her head coach immediately of the situation. If an athlete has an unexcused absence then she will be required to sit out the first game of the following tournament. Because athletes must learn to organize their time and plan ahead accordingly, homework is not an excuse to miss practice. Further guidelines for absences are given at the beginning of the season by the coach.
Tournament Information 
Skyline Juniors tournament participation is mandatory. Tournaments give athletes the chance to compete at higher levels, develop their court skills, and strengthen their knowledge of the game. They also give the athlete a chance to be seen by college scouts. Finally, the success of our team training depends upon all members of the team being present.
Tournament agendas, lodging arrangements and other important travel information will be provided to each player as soon as the club directors have received the information from the tournament directors. We prefer to do most of our communication through e-mail and our website. We will post hotel and tournament information for each team on the website as soon as it is available. All tournament schedules will be finalized in early December.
Skyline Juniors Playing Time 
The team’s head coach is responsible for the composition of the team and determining playing time. Each athlete will receive equal training time and repetitions in practice sessions, but we cannot and will not guarantee playing time to anyone. It is in the best interest of the team that we compete for championships and this involves some players not playing in some matches. The head coaches will make their decisions based on a player’s attendance at practices, the importance of an event, the player’s attitude, work ethic, and proficiency at required skills, and most importantly the team’s needs. As parents, please understand that our coaches do their best do get everyone playing time, but their primary focus at tournaments is the teams’ success. If a parent wishes to discuss playing time with a coach we require this NOT BE DONE AT THE TOURNAMENT. It is very disruptive to the team if a parent confronts a coach in this setting. Consequently, if a coach is confronted by a parent during a tournament, that parent’s child must sit out the following match. In short, please save these discussions until after the tournament.
The following procedures are in place to resolve playing time issues or concerns:
At any time after practices or matches a player may meet with the coach for a discussion.
If questions or concerns remain, then the parents and player may contact the coach to arrange a discussion at least a day after the conclusion of a tournament.
If the issue is still not resolved, the club director, coach, player, and parents may meet.
Policy: If a parent approaches the coach at a tournament about “playing time”, their daughter will be required to sit the next set.
Tournament Information 
Tournament Transportation
Parents of ALL teams are responsible for travel to all playing venues. This includes to and from hotel to site for not in-state and out-of-state tournaments. Skyline may provide team flight arrangements that families can opt into.
Hotel Accommodations
We distribute hotel information for parents in advance on your team schedule page so teams may make reservations at the same hotel. Players of ALL teams will stay in their parent’s hotel room. We cannot guarantee space or make reservations for parents, but we will ask hotels to hold rooms for parents until a specified date. If you have not made a reservation by that date we cannot hold the room. Find information on hotel reservations by clicking on the green hotel icon on your schedule page. If the icon is black, then the information is not posted yet.
Club Policies
Drug and Alcohol Policy
In order for the North Texas Region to support any disciplinary actions by the club toward a player, one of these two below procedures must take place in case a player is in the possession of or involved with any type of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Go immediately to a clinic and have a drug test administered.
OR - The police will be called to do a report.
If the player(s) is found to be at fault, further action will take place depending on the severity of the issue. The player may be sent home from the event, dismissed for a period of time, or released from the team permanently (at the expense of his or her parent/guardian).
Prom Policy
If prom falls on the playing dates of USAV 18s Girls National Championships, all players are required to attend USAV Nationals. NTR-USAV policy states that if “any” team declines a bid to USAV Nationals, the following year NO TEAM in the entire club will be allowed to participate in the Regional Bid Tournament (qualifier for USAV).
We understand the importance of an event such as Prom; therefore, in the case of Prom falling on the weekend of a National Qualifying tournament and Regionals (only), we have implemented the following guidelines to allow SENIORS to attend their SENIOR Prom (unless prom falls on USAV Nationals as mentioned above).
Each SENIOR will be allowed to attend their prom without punishment.
They will need to be present the day prior and the day after the (main evening) Prom event.
They will need to be present the day of the event until 12 noon (if the tournament is out of town) and 2:00pm (if the tournament is within the DFW area).
It is not fair to a team that has devoted so many hours in practices only to be disqualified from a tournament or to not be given a chance to qualify for Nationals because a few players are gone. It is also not fair to those who are seeking college scholarship and must be seen by colleges.
Membership Fees and Payment Plans 
* All payments must be postmarked by the 1st of each month.
Parents are expected to keep up with their dues and payment schedules. In order to facilitate payment, , we provide account status online for each player, pre-addressed envelopes including the amount of payment and the date the payment is due. Alternatively, membership fees may be paid online with a credit card.
If a payment is late there will be a $25.00 late fee, and the athlete will not be able to participate in any sanctioned events until a payment is made A $25.00 transaction fee will be assessed for each returned check, and if the problem occurs two times, parents must pay by cash or a cashier’s check.
If an account is not paid in full, the participant’s name may be submitted to the UIL because she will have violated her “amateur status”. The parent/guardian responsible for the player will also be responsible for any additional costs or expenses incurred by the club while pursuing collections.
If there is some reason the payment cannot be made by the date specified, please contact Jodie Rye and we will try to work out the situation. Please know, once you commit to a team we incur several expenses whether you continue your season with the club or not. It is your responsibility to make sure these payments are made unless there is a season ending injury.
In an effort to minimize payment problems we attempt to precisely determined fees and dues prior to the season. To this end, most expenses, for the players are included in their dues amounts. Please notice, however, that we have NOT included airfare or hotels for the players into their dues (we have included coaches air travel and hotel). We will provide an Airline Package in the Fall for the Skyline athletes that will give them the option to arrange their own air travel to tournaments.
Additional fees may occur due to unforeseen circumstances such as airline cancellations, inclement weather situations, or if a team misses a flight due for any reason (i.e. such as playing in a match for JO qualifying, or playing in the finals).
*All monies that are paid are non-refundable with the exception of any season-ending shutdown.
Please see the Team Fees document for your team to see the season-ending shutdown refund policy as the refund percentage is different depending on the length of season of each team.
Team Dues & Schedules
Review Team Fees to see what is included in the member dues and the level of schedule is included for each team
Tentative Schedules will be available in October.