Sunday, December 11
6:30 – 8:30 pm
at the SWAC
Skyline Christmas Celebration with their adoptive families
We are so excited to invite you all to the annual Christmas Party on December 11, from 6:30 – 8:30pm. For 24 years, we have participated in gift donations for children. Over the past few years we have partnered with Christian Care Centers and adopted their after school children to help make their Christmas a little better. We have been able to host them in our gym and actually allow our girls to present their gifts to the families. It is a beautiful time to meet these families and love on their kiddos
We like to ask that each team go shopping together and get their gifts. We will be providing the families their gifts that evening and making it a night to remember! We would like for the the teams to wrap 1-2 gifts to give to the kiddos that will be coming that night. The rest of the purchased gifts will be put in large trash bags and sent home with their parents so they can wrap them and give them to their children at Christmas. Please click the link below to see your adopted children’s wish list for your team and the detailed instructions that we need everyone to follow!
2022 Christmas Family List.pdf
It helps if there is one parent on each team to organize this and manage it. So please discuss with your coach if you are interested in being the contact.
We also need some help with snacks so if you would be willing to bring something please sign up below!!
Thank you and we are so excited to partner with you and your teams in making this a special night for these families!