This page is to help show/describe how to make your Skyline dues payment
Do you already know what amount you want to pay?
Yes, tap this link, select team and athlete
No, follow the steps below to find out what you owe and to make the payment…
- Tap here to go to your iTeamApp account
- If you are already logged in, it
- if you are not already logged in proceed to step 2 below
- Log into your iTeamApp account by tapping on the blue “Log in” button (upper right corner)
- After you have logged in, from the top menu select i-Skyline > Programs

- This will take you to your “Program Dashboard”.
- If you have more than one athlete are in multiple programs you will need to select the athlete or program
- From the “Athlete Menu”, select “Account Info”

- Here you can view…
- Outstanding balance
- account summary
- Past due amount
- Payment Plan and amount due when
- List of payments already made
- Link to make online payment via credit card or bank ACH
- Address if you want to mail a check
- Skyline has a drop box under the stairs at SWAC if you want to drop off your payment