Already selected your squares online? click here to pay
This is a Fundraiser for the Skyline Juniors Scholarship Fund
Not every family can afford Club Volleyball and would like your assistance to help provide financial support for some families within Skyline. The Squares fundraiser is Skyline’s mandatory fundraiser to raise money for the Skyline Scholarship Fund. We are using the SuperbowlSquares.org website for our Super Bowl Squares fundraiser pool. The Super Bowl is in New Orleans, LA this year on Sunday, February 9, 2025. The site is live and you can begin buying and/or selling squares!
What is a Super Bowl Squares pool?
This pool is a basic 100 square grid. The board is a 10×10 grid of boxes where each row and column are assigned a number from 0 to 9. In Super Bowl Squares, each square of the grid can be claimed by a pool member for $10 per square. At the end of each quarter of the game, the last digit of both NFL teams’ score is compared to the grid to determine a winner. The grid numbers are randomly assigned by the pool system after everyone has selected a square. Since the pool is administered online, everyone can see the completed grid at the start of the game.
How do people sign up?
to sign up on the site, follow these instructions:
1) Click on the Team Link below to go to that team’s Super Bowl grid
2) Enter the following information:
a) in the Username field, enter ‘skyline’
b) in the Password field, enter ‘gosky’
3) Select what squares you want
4) Pay for squares. click here to pay with credit card
click on the team below to go to the team’s Super Bowl fundraiser grid
What is Our Goal?
Our goal is to complete 1 grids/pools for every Skyline team – which means that we need to sell 100 squares at $10 each for each team. Contact your friends, family and co-workers – people love to play squares on Super Bowl. As a grid fills up, we can open new grids.
Be sure to emphasize that this pool is a fundraiser. Our plan is to keep 50% of the entry fees for the Scholarship Fund. Here is the math for each 100 square grid/pool:
Pool Square Cost: $10
Pool Income: $1,000
Quarter 1 Payout Per Grid: $100
Quarter 2 Payout Per Grid: $100
Quarter 3 Payout Per Grid: $100
End of Game Payout Per Grid (Q4 or OT): $200
Scholarship Fund Donation per Grid: $500
You can donate as little as $10 for a potential to win $200 or more.
How can you help?
Provide the pool link to your “buyer” and collect the money. Please submit all collected money to Skyline immediately after selecting your squares.
Payment for your Squares:
Credit Card online via PayPal. click here to pay with credit card
* Payment for squares must be paid within 24 hours of selecting the squares or we will release all unpaid squares.
What if I win?
We will mail out Pre-Paid Visa or MasterCards to each winner with the amount of their winnings.
What happens if an “Unpaid” square wins?
All “unpaid” squares that are remaining on the board/grid at the time the grid numbers are generated will be labeled “unpaid”. If an “unpaid” square wins, we will raffle off that square’s winnings. Everyone how purchased squares within that grid is eligible for the raffle drawing. If a person purchased 20 squares in that grid, they will have 20 names in the drawing and if a person purchased 1 square, that person will have one name in the drawing. The drawing will take place the Monday after the Super Bowl and the winner(s) will be announced via email to the entire team(s). On the day before the Super Bowl, Skyline has the right to merge teams into the same grid in order to minimize the unpaid squares.
Thank you and good luck. Please forward any questions to Skyline Juniors
Pay for your Squares here…
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