Updated: May 10, 2020 @ 6:20pm
Your safety is our #1 priority. This safety includes both protecting people from the spread of COVID-19 in our facility and reconditioning our athletes for upcoming events.
Reopening Skyline Phase 1: Now
As of right now, our indoor business is deemed non-essential so we have begun offering services outdoors. We have secured outdoor sand volleyball courts Monday-Friday up through May 15 at The Beach at Craig Ranch in McKinney. We will offer lessons in groups no larger than three (3) athletes at a time. We will also offer clinics that will operate in groups of three (3) athletes. These clinics may begin with six players (2 groups of 3). More details on how these will operate is on the iTeamApp.com registration site for each event. These services will be for a fee as they are not part of team training.
Reopening Skyline Phase 2: Beginning May 18th
The below is our plan in preparation for indoor activities. Governor Abbott addressed Texas this past week and has said that gyms and training facilities may re-open May 18. We will abide by his process to Open Texas. Until social distancing bands are lifted, we are not planning to run normal team practices, participating in tournaments or collecting dues payments. For now, we will only be running training clinics and lessons as we must stay at or below 25% occupancy of the Skyline facility. If a coach would like to work with his/her team in groups of 4-6, they will need to schedule a time for this. Reminder: our coaches are not getting paid during this time since we have stopped the collections of all dues. Therefore, if your coach does provide some sort of service to your team (not lessons or clinics), we encourage you all to try to compensate them in some manner. Feel free to contact me if you have questions in regards to this. If any practices do take place, we will provide a sign up link for everyone on that team as we will need to keep track of who is in the gym and at what time and how many are participating.
What is the Skyline facility and volleyball club doing to stop the spread?
Below are the Skyline Policies for May and June. We will continue to re-evaluate our procedures
- Operate at a reduced capacity as recommended by local officials.
- Be in compliance with CDC guidelines to help stop the spread.
- Facility Staff will check everyone’s temperature immediately upon entering the facility. We have three (3) non-contact infrared body thermometers. If we receive a reading above 100.4 degrees, we will check temperature again using the same thermometer and a 2nd thermometer. If we receive two (2) readings of 100.4 degrees that person will not be allowed to inside our facility or participate in events.
- All events other than Team Practices MUST use the new iTeamApp.com system to signup for lessons or clinics beginning May 4th. The use of the iTeamApp.com system is important in Skyline’s role of contact-tracing. If a Skyline family member is tested posited for COVID-19 after they or their daughter has been in our facility, we will let our entire club know of the infection. In addition, with the information in iTeamApp, we will be able to further communicate if your daughter was in the gym the same day, same time, or same session as the athlete with an infected family member.
- Skyline Staff will collect all lesson fees at the Skyline facility by electronic payment. We want to reduce the items handed off to our coaches.
- Coaches are required to wash hands between each session (lesson, clinic, practice, etc).
- Coaches are recommended to have a face covering on during training.
- Face covering are not required for athletes as we do not want to restrict their ability to breath and receive oxygen during their workouts.
- We will begin by having the entrance to our facility though the front door by the flag pole. The exit will be in the back parking lot. Athletes can stay in the lobby until they receive a phone call letting them know their ride is here. Players that drive themselves will have to walk around the building after the exit to get back to their cars.
- We will disinfect volleyballs between events (lessons, clinics, practices, etc)
- We will schedule a buffer time between sessions to allow time to disinfect the volleyballs
- We will have every-other bathroom stall closed with signage
- Facility staff is there to remind and ensure facility policies are being followed. Facility staff is advised to report all infractions s to us. We will not allow athletes to sign up for events or participate in practices if they or their family members do not comply with our policies.
- We are continuing to look at other processes, technology and procurement of items to help with the disinfection of surfaces and areas in our facility.
What Tournaments might look like in May & June
Schedules are changing weekly, and we are going to wait until we know we can resume before we do post them. As of now, all Molten teams and National teams 15 and older will no longer have an out of town qualifier. The qualifiers they were attending have been cancelled. The 14 and under National teams scheduled to attend Minneapolis will still attend if the tournament is held. The players will stay with their parents if this tournament does happen. We have been told we will hear from the Lone Star Qualifier shortly as they are meeting the with Convention Center on Monday.
We are currently working through the protocols and procedures for events that will still be held, but tournaments will be different from what we are used to. Current preparations most likely will include…
- Tournaments will not take place until social distancing requirements are lifted from local or state authorities.
- State authorities must approve indoor events at 50% occupancy for local tournaments to proceed. Facilities operating at 50% occupancy for tournament. This means using half the available courts in order to limit the number of people in the facilities AND allowing more space to spread out.
- Limit spectators to one (1) spectator per athlete or (1) spectator/videographer per team. (additional details to come if this happens)
- Seating chairs and bleachers may be removed from facilities (bring your own). Facilities are being encouraged to remove as many objects as possible that may contribute to the spread of viruses.
- Teams will be encouraged not to shag volleyballs while the other team is warming up
- Dallas Convention Center events could operate at 25% occupancy if they limit spectators to one (1) per team.
Updated: March 13, 2020 @ 1:50pm
USA Volleyball is meeting on Monday via conference call, NTR Board of Directors are meeting Monday, NTR Club Directors are meeting on Monday. We do not know what USA Volleyball is going to do with the cancelled qualifiers and what the season will look like. We are not sure if we will have any answers prior to the end of the day Monday, but we will update at the end of the day Monday.
We are encouraged by all the organizations around the US doing their part to help slow the spread.
Cancelled or Postponed Qualifiers
as of March 12, 2020 @ 1:50pm
- PNQ qualifier in Spokane (Cancelled)
- 16MR, 14R, 14B, 14MR, 13MB, 12R
- Mideast Qualifiers for St. Louis & Indianapolis (Cancelled)
- 18R, 17B, 16R, 15R, 15B, 13R
- Colorado Crossroads Qualifier Week 2 (Cancelled)
- 16B
- Show Me Qualifier in Kansas City – Week 1 (Postponed)
- 15MB, 14MB, 14MS, 12B
- Windy City Qualifier in Chicago (Cancelled)
- 17R, 15B, 13R
- Northeast Qualifier in Philadelphia (Postponed)
- 16R, 12MR
Cancelled or Postponed Tournaments (non-qualifiers)
as of March 12, 2020 @ 1:50pm
- Cross Court Classic in Houston (Cancelled)
- 11B
- Texas Star Tournament in Dallas (Postponed until May)
- 17R, 16MR, 15MR, 15MB, 14B, 14MR, 14MB, 14MS, 13B, 13MB, 12R, 12B, 12MR, 11R, 10R
- 18s Bid Regionals (Postponed TBA)
- 18B
- Texas Classic Bid Event in Dallas (Postponed TBA)
- 18B, 17B, 16B, 15B, 15MR, 13R, 13B, 13MR, 11B
Updated: March 12, 2020 @ 7:15pm
A quote we heard on the news today was “A successful containment of the Coronavirus will look like overkill”. Skyline Juniors Volleyball and Skyline Sports have decided to shut down the Skyline facility until March 22nd for all volleyball activity. We will continue to monitor the situation and may chose to shorten or lengthen the facility shutdown.
This shutdown currently includes all lessons. We want to do our part to help flatten the curve.
Updated: March 12, 2020 @ 2:30pm
We wanted to address some of the concerns coming with Coronavirus. Some qualifiers and tournaments are beginning to cancel due to the recommendations of the regional health districts.
We cannot tell you yet what the next steps are or how the airlines or hotels will work with everyone yet. We will be doing some research as quickly as we can to provide you all with more information and what your next steps need to be.
Other Qualifiers
As of now, other qualifies are still on, but we can probably expect some might follow suit. We will be following each state’s guidelines as they are all different depending on the severity of the spread in their area. We will be following the recommendations of USA volleyball and the qualifiers taking place in each city. Please make sure you are keeping an eye on your emails as we will relay any information we receive via email and if it is urgent, through the text messaging system.
What will be happening at Skyline during this time
As of March 12th, team practices will remain on the schedule as a voluntary basis. We will reevaluate this decision this Saturday, March 14th. Below are the guidelines that will need to be followed upon arriving at the gym.
- If you do not feel safe to attend practices or programs, you may stay home at no penalty.
- If you have any symptoms or do not feel well, DO NOT COME!
- We want to keep the number of people in the gym to a minimal. We encourage parents to stay out of the facility by dropping off their child during team practices.
- Players need to immediately go to the restroom and wash your hands for 20 seconds before and after practice.
- No hand slapping with teammates or coaches at practices
- Coaches will spray the volleyballs with Lysol after every practice.
- No team/group meetings in our small team meeting room.
- Cancelled Club Prep and First Touch for Friday, March 13th
- Skyline facility is open for Lessons.
We will continue to monitor the situation daily and could make changes over the next weeks/months. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unknown journey. We will be working through all sorts of details over the next few weeks. We will not have time to respond to emails and questions concerning what is happening, so please just know we will be working on everything and will communicate with you all as soon as we have the information.
Thank you,
Jodie A. Rye
Director/Travel Coordinator Skyline Juniors Volleyball
CLICK HERE for the latest statement from USA Volleyball regarding the Coronavirus and their events.
February 28, 2020